This is not to toot my own horn. Or may be it is. 
Of course, I'm here to tell you of what I do, and what I'm passionate about.
I am a writer, before an advertiser. Though advertising happened to me by chance, I have to confess, the rush of it has got to me. 

I had stumbled across a copywriter's role in an advertising agency out of desperation. Beggars can't be choosers, so my jobless self threw caution to the wind and took up the position. After all, how different can it be from feature writing, which I had been doing for a while then. Only, it didn't take a week to realize that I was totally and completely out of my depths. 

My appetite for curiosity was ready to outdo the hungry caterpillar and the learner in me couldn't give up on the chance to smartly ideate with a side of serious research, study and quick wit.

Since then, I have worked with brands in India, Germany and UAE, and it's been a fun ride of learning, unlearning and some more re-learning. Keeping up with the Kardashians may still be something that I can't care about, but SERPs, BERT and EEAT surely started to matter more! My once-binary, rather simple mind soon realized strategizing content was not the prerogative of the scheming schmuck, but of the smart and clever marketer.

So, here I am still thirsty for the rush of tweaking and producing content that will make you eat my words!
Until then, let's find some time and brainstorm a little on the most decent AI copywriting app, eh?
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